Colby Dean - Will I Go

We have added the song Will I Go to our Spotify playlist Best Indie Country 2019.

Born in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Colby Dean comes from the honest roots of Western Montana. He picked up guitar at age 13, and instantly began composing original material. Dean recorded his first songs with a single microphone, and distributed the copies to schoolmates (and their mothers). During the early days, Dean learned guitar, bass, drums, banjo, ukulele, mandolin, and more.

Five years later, at age 18, Dean moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he became inspired by the multitude of musicians in the city. This led him to realize his true love of songwriting. Dean spent his time in Nashville performing with his peers, and writing with a few good legends. After two years, Dean parted ways with Music City, and began his touring career.

Now with no home address, music has taken Dean through tours of Europe, Southeast Asia, North America, and Australia. He has active bands in the Philippines (Kolbi), England (Colby Dean), and the United States (Rippy Dippy Hippies, and Squirrels On Mars). The ‘Colby Dean EP’ is comprised of five songs. The first single from the record, ’Will I Go’, was filmed entirely in Sydney, Australia, and has found success in international indie music scenes. Have a look at the video on YouTube.

Dean is currently in South East Asia promoting his latest release.


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