John Tiller - Battle Ready

We have added the song Battle Ready to our Spotify playlist Best Indie Country 2019.

Folk-rock, singer songwriter, alt-country, Americana, call it what you like, the art of telling stories through music refuses to die. John Tiller takes influence from Manchester’s rich and diverse musical heritage, incorporating the working class spirit of his hometown, though not without strong influences across the pond. He looks to his songwriting heroes Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell for their profound ability to pen thought-provoking lyrics and to give equal importance to both story and song. Though these songwriting giants undoubtedly cast a lengthy shadow, it is through their influence that John steps out into the light, and sets out on a path that is uniquely his own.

“I write a lot, it’s therapeutic for me. Prose, poetry. This set of ideas found their way into songs and I
quite like the way that the longer pieces have to be edited down to satisfyingly fit the pop music form, so what’s left is an opaque, impressionist type of lyric that hints and suggests at a (usually dark) story, but we’re never sure if the narrator is reliable or whether to believe the tale being told”

On November 25th Tiller will release the full Battle Ready EP. Featuring four tracks that delicately unravel the intimate tales of the romantics, the nomads, the fighters and poets. The narrator often ambiguous, unreliable. Tiller plays with timelines, narrative form and structure. What emerges is a startlingly original collection of songs, leaning heavily on allegory and metaphor. This music will find a home with anyone thoughtful, anyone who has experienced anxiety or weighty, life changing events. It is for those seeking shelter from the short term, quick fix nature of modern life. At times political, at times personal and heartbreaking, depending on the listener's perspective this short but powerful collection of songs will feel poignantly out of time, or perhaps timeless.

You'll find Tillers songs on Spotify on his artist site.


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