Cameron Chudy - A Man Who’s Gonna Die Young

We have added the song A Man Who’s Gonna Die Young to our Spotify playlist Best Indie Country 2019.

Raised in the remote and economically depressed Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Cameron Chudy (SHOO-Dee) grew up in the outdoors, and grew up with the wayward spirit that that so often instills.  Starting with a half-sized guitar his grandmother gave him when he was five years old, he developed a deep passion for music, and idolized musicians within whom he recognized that same spirit.  His folky-country sound is reminiscent of the rambling singer/songwriters of earlier generations, but with themes and stories that are relatable to this day.  Having worked various jobs around the world, ranging from washing dishes in Alaska to working the oilfields of Siberia, he has now turned his attention fully to sharing his sound and stories.

His debut album “A Man Who’s Gonna Die Young” taps into feelings of wanting to escape from the pressures and depressions that most everyone experiences from time to time in today’s fast-paced and restrictive society.  Whether you’re working an 8:00 to 5:00 in the city, stuck in a college you can’t afford, or busting your ass on a rig or in a mine, most people can relate to feeling trapped at times, and this album is the story of those people.

Check out this album and more at


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