Anders Jörnesten - Wild Wild Country

We included Anders Jörnesten's song Wild Wild Country at our very exclusive Spotify playlist Best Indie Country 2021.

Anders is a 42-year-old man who have played guitar and been interested in music all his life. During the covid year, he started writing and singing songs for the first time in his life. He released his 2 song single Wild Wild Country in May 14 2021. During the summer of 2021 he recorded a 5 song EP, Man on the Run that was released in September 2021. At the moment he is still writing more new music for an upcoming EP or album.

He writes and record music that he wants to listen to himself. For him, it is music that is simple in its form where the recordings are made without too much production. Sometimes a tone is taken a little wrong and the tempo can sometimes change, but he prefer it to (overly) produced and arranged music. In terms of genre, he writes within the alt country / americana / folk mix. His ambition is to write good melodies and lyrics and perform them in as simple way as possible.

Musically, he is inspired by country artists such as John Prine, Loretta Lynn, Willie Nelson, Iris DeMent and Blaze Foley. There are also some influences from both flamenco music, and a hint of Bruce Springsteen.

Enjoy Anders song on our playlist :-)


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