Silverdrive 35 - Sleepwalking

On our Spotify playlist Best Indie Country 2018 we have included the song Sleepwalking by the swedish band Silverdrive 35.

Silverdrive 35 is playing country influenced commercial radio rock. Members Eli Stream and Carl Fredrik have been playing cover music together back and forth since the year 2000, but the time has now come for them to release their own material. ”We have now achieved the age when people can actually believe in what we’re singing about”.

The song is a story is about a man dealing with a loss of a loved one. He sees the girl he loved in his dreams and wishes he could stay dreaming because the reality is hard to handle.

The MusiFlo blog writes this about the single "The music in Sleepwalking is incredible, especially the banjo in the background. The banjo is a detail that gives the song the Country music feel. The echo of the lyrics creates an effect of heaviness, because of the feeling of sadness. The tone of their voices has variety and depth, which compliments the song very well."


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